Journal and Updates
6 years ago
I can't say I'm totally stable, because my health really does do a regular number on me. But I wanted to drop a quick journal to do a few updates for those wondering why they haven't seen much from me lately.
Commissions are closed; queue is still standing.
I'm working, slowly, but diligently as I can with my body hating me.
If you have an outstanding commission from me and are wondering about an update, you can either check my trello board (link above), Note me, or talk to TakodaVega - my assistant.
Please be aware that I am NOT issuing refunds. You WILL get your art, I just beg of you to continue to have standing patience with me as I fight against the lot I was given, both physically and mentally. Every day is a battle.
Otherwise, I'd like to formally announce that I departed from the dear ScribbleQuirk Studios a couple months ago. All is/was amicable, no bad blood. I just decided that it was best for me and my state of mind, as well as health, to let those amazing ladies go on without the heavy weight of me bogging them down. I still love LyssArts and Naikios dearly, and want everyone to continue supporting these incredible women as they make beautiful art!
I am NOT taking on large commissions, and will not be doing so, for the foreseeable future.
I will only do small weekly sales like icons/Furcadia portraits to help fund my medications and the like.
Sending good vibes and warm wishes to all.
May your days be easier than mine have been; and may you laugh and smile much.
Commissions are closed; queue is still standing.
I'm working, slowly, but diligently as I can with my body hating me.
If you have an outstanding commission from me and are wondering about an update, you can either check my trello board (link above), Note me, or talk to TakodaVega - my assistant.
Please be aware that I am NOT issuing refunds. You WILL get your art, I just beg of you to continue to have standing patience with me as I fight against the lot I was given, both physically and mentally. Every day is a battle.
Otherwise, I'd like to formally announce that I departed from the dear ScribbleQuirk Studios a couple months ago. All is/was amicable, no bad blood. I just decided that it was best for me and my state of mind, as well as health, to let those amazing ladies go on without the heavy weight of me bogging them down. I still love LyssArts and Naikios dearly, and want everyone to continue supporting these incredible women as they make beautiful art!
I am NOT taking on large commissions, and will not be doing so, for the foreseeable future.
I will only do small weekly sales like icons/Furcadia portraits to help fund my medications and the like.
Sending good vibes and warm wishes to all.
May your days be easier than mine have been; and may you laugh and smile much.
Take care.
Good days and bad, I'd rather keep fighting than let it swallow me up and be consumed by it.
Thank you for your continued patience and support; it means the world. <3