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Node.js VS Python: Which is Better?

Reading time8 min

If you are landing on this page you might be looking for several questions like:

– NodeJS or Python: which is the right choice for my next web app development project?

– Which programming language cost me less?

– Which programming language is suitable for which industry?

– Which programming language is suitable for small business or large scale enterprises?

– Which programming language is scalable, high performing and secure?

In this blog post, I’m going to answer all these questions AND MORE THAN THAT! So, continue reading this blog post:
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PHP Vs ASP.NET: How to Choose the Right One?

Reading time6 min

Are you a business owner looking for PHP web development services or ASP.Net development services, but unable to decide the right technology for your project? Are you looking for the pros and cons of ASP.Net and PHP to take an effective decision?  I have tried to make this task easy for you by comparing ASP.Net and PHP in a very simple way.

There are a number of articles and blogs available over the Internet with a large amount of information about PHP Vs ASP.NET. Unfortunately, most of these blog posts are biased and typically based on promoting one over the other.  

In this blog post, I have done an unbiased comparison between the two most popular technologies i.e. PHP and ASP.NET in today’s world. 

On one side, we have PHP, the world’s most used and popular technology on the internet with billions of dedicated PHP developers across the world. On the other side, we have ASP.NET, a Microsoft platform. Sometimes, it becomes quite difficult to have a clear decision about which technology (Php or Asp.net) should we prefer for our application or website development project? 

Here is an elaborative comparison guide that helps you figure out the best technology for your next web app development project. I can assure you that after reading this article, you’ll have a clear idea about which technology suits you better. Moreover, you can share your thoughts and feedback in our comment box. We welcome your positive feedback for appreciating our work. Also, I will be happy to hear from you if you want us to do some improvements to my article.    
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Angular: The Best Building Companion for Interactive apps

Reading time5 min
Do you know there were 5 million apps in 2019? Out of these millions of apps, only a few are able to perform. There are many reasons for this but a major factor is the interactivity of an app.

No matter which product you are trying to sell, customers choose the one which allows them to get involved. Interactive apps are in demand for a long time. Are you wondering how can you make an interactive app?

The first thing which comes to our mind when we talk about interactive apps is the concept of single page application. This is because SPAs are known for their capacity to interact with the user by reloading some page elements dynamically depending upon the interaction by the user.
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A Guide to Understand the Concept of Modern Web App Development

Reading time5 min

Millions of businesses exchange information on the internet and to interact with their target audience. This helps them make fast and secure transactions over the web. However, business goals can be achieved when the businesses are able to store all this data for the means of presenting quality output to the end users.

Simply put, in the development industry a web application (or “web app”) is more like a program that uses a web browser to handle the storage and retrieval of the information to present information to the users. This allows a user to interact with the company using the online forms, e-shopping carts, CMS, etc. Some more examples of web applications are online banking, online polls, online forums, online reservations, shopping cart, and interactive games.

Learning about web development is kind of like having too many things on a plate. This guide serves as a way to get your acquainted with the world of web app development.
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Pros and cons of outsourcing

Reading time3 min

What is Outsourcing?

Outsourcing has become one of the increasing trends nowadays. Individuals, entrepreneurs, enterprises, and companies hire remote workers to get their project completed at a reduced cost. At the same time, outsourcing helps enterprises frees up time and focus more on core business process. Outsourcing is a process of shifting the jobs or tasks to the external workforce for an ample amount of time.


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Vue.js Best Practices For Web Development

Reading time5 min

I am a full-stack developer at Syncrasy Tech (IT solutions company). I love writing React codes. But why I am telling you this as we are here to discuss the Vue.js best practices for web development. I am telling you this so that you can understand my background and why I’m discussing here the Vue.js.

I love working on React codes, but I hate reading them. This is the reason where I fail to code. Even with the best code review practices, I can’t figure out the nesting of React components that simply helps to create more complex UI structures in web apps.

The solution to this problem is Vue that is now not so new in the block of web app development. I have heard a lot about Vue async components, server-side rendering, tools, and libraries. Perhaps you find this myriad of terms to be confusing. Believe me, you’re not alone in that, many developers of all levels feel the same way when they don’t know the Vue best practices.

A few days later, I finally decided to get my codes into it. What I am sharing here are the numerous best practices that I have learned through my experience with Vue. I’m ready to share what I’d find.

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Picking a Color Scheme for Your App: How to Make It Simple?

Reading time4 min
Along with functionality, your application’s colors are a key aspect. The user’s impression of your application is formulated through interaction with graphics UI elements, which is a crucial factor.
Selecting the color scheme that will suit your application is a long process since there is an infinite number of existing patterns. So now you can immediately answer this article’s main question: there is no easy way to choose a color scheme for your app. However, do not rush to give up on this text. You may not even realize how significant and exciting this process is.

Below, we will mention the most crucial points that relate to selecting a color palette for your application. We’ve paid special attention to the UI details and outlined how to increase your brand prevalence and your application usability thanks to the proper colors.
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