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Quantum communications at ITMO University: building 100% secure data transfer systems

Время на прочтение3 мин
Количество просмотров1.8K
Quantum Communications LLC creates some hacker-proof quantum encryption systems.

Let’s take a look at how they do it, and why their work matters.

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Weekend picks: A closer look at ITMO University

Время на прочтение4 мин
Количество просмотров1.5K
ITMO University occupies several prominent buildings in the centre of St. Petersburg. But residents and guests alike rarely get a chance to take a look at what’s happening inside them. Articles featured in this digest will take you on a virtual tour of our labs, as well as shed some light on the work underway within our walls.

Weekend picks: memory, cyberpunk and startups

Время на прочтение3 мин
Количество просмотров1.8K
A collection of articles about science and the life of ITMO University. There’s going to be something for everyone: from the limits of the human memory to cyberpunk and startups developed at our accelerator.

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Meet Hamstand: a smart mobile testing hub

Время на прочтение5 мин
Количество просмотров1.3K
The ITMO Accelerator continues to empower entrepreneurs. We’ve already covered some of its most successful graduates — the Laeneco staethoscope and the GoROBO robotics club. Today we’ll be discussing Hamstand — a modular hub that simplifies the process of mobile app testing. Let’s talk about how it came to be, why it’s a welcome addition to many developers’ toolkits, and what awaits the project in the near future.

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Weekend Picks: light reading for STEM majors

Время на прочтение4 мин
Количество просмотров1.4K
The weekend is upon us, and so is the paralysis that comes with having nothing to do. Fear not, our editorial team picked 9 books on science and tech worth picking up on a cold winter day. You’ll learn about the history of space exploration, join a physicist on a surprisingly science-appropriate hike, and more.

Post-cyberpunk: what you need to know about the latest trends in speculative fiction

Время на прочтение5 мин
Количество просмотров2.9K
Cyberpunk has become an integral part of our pop culture. Everyone is familiar with at least some works in the genre and their particular flavour of dystopian technologically advanced universes. But science fiction is always evolving. In this piece, we’ll be taking a look at cyberpunk’s successors and the futures they envision — from pan-African empires to shopping culture gone amok.

Putting theory to practice: juggling work and study at the Department of Photonics and Optical Information Technology

Время на прочтение4 мин
Количество просмотров1.5K
Master’s degrees are really useful. Postgrad education allows BA holders to put their new-found skills into practice, and secure great jobs further down the road. But students often need help assessing this choice, particularly if they majored in uncommon subjects — like photonics.

To set the record straight, we talked to the people behind, and the graduates of our MA programs in photonics and optical computing. In this article you’ll learn about part-time work available for photonics students, graduates’ job-hunting prospects, and the academic career options that open up.

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Lab tour: Functional Materials and Devices of Optoelectronics at ITMO University

Время на прочтение3 мин
Количество просмотров1.4K
Today we’re taking a look at the Functional Materials and Devices of Optoelectronics Lab at ITMO University, the equipment it houses, and the projects underway at the facility. It is an international research facility located in the center of St. Petersburg. The staff is primarily occupied with the search for innovative materials (semiconductors, metals, and nanostructured oxides), and the manufacturing of next-gen micro- and optoelectronic gadgets. Here we take a look at the high-tech equipment it utilizes.

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A tour of the Museum of Optics at ITMO University

Время на прочтение6 мин
Количество просмотров1.6K
In one of our previous articles, we took you on a tour of the university’s optoelectronics lab. This time around we’ve got something more public, but no less exciting in mind: The Optics Museum.

Bandwidth warning: lots of photos below!

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Inside ITMO University: The cyber-physical systems lab

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ITMO University is home to a large number of labs that specialise on everything from bionics to quantum optics. Today we’ll take a look at the cyber-physical systems lab and its projects.

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Inside ITMO University: The robotics lab

Время на прочтение4 мин
Количество просмотров1.8K
The Department of Computer Science and Control Systems at ITMO University houses a robotics lab. In this article we’ll take a look at the projects its staff is working on, and show you the machinery on site: industrial manipulator robots, robotic hands and dynamic positioning system testing equipment.

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ITMO startups: machine vision edition

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Количество просмотров1.4K
ITMO University operates an in-house business accelerator. In this series of articles, we’re going to take a look at some of its residents, starting with two machine vision projects: Labra and O.VISION.

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Mind traps: how scientists fool themselves

Время на прочтение5 мин
Количество просмотров2.2K
Even the most honest of scientists are regularly misled by their cognitive biases. They often go to great lengths to find proof for whatever seems logical, while dismissing evidence to the contrary.

Yet this issue is rarely discussed — because it remains an embarrassing subject.

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ITMO University startup accelerator introduces Laeneco, a smart stethoscope

Время на прочтение3 мин
Количество просмотров1.7K
Laeneco is a smart stethoscope capable of detecting respiratory diseases with greater accuracy than most trained medical professionals. Let's take a look at the device, the way it works, and the people behind it.

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GoROBO: an educational initiative from the ITMO University startup accelerator

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Количество просмотров1.3K
GoROBO is an ITMO University project through and through: one of the co-owners graduated our mechatronics MA program, and two other employees are current postgrad students.

Let’s talk about the educational environment they want to create, why they chose to build such an unusual startup, and what awaits GoROBO clubs in the future.

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Esoteric programming languages: a systematic approach

Время на прочтение6 мин
Количество просмотров2.2K
A surprising number of programming languages were created to accomplish unusual tasks that have nothing to do with programming. These are commonly called esoteric. Today, we’re going to paint a general overview of the esolang landscape, and try to figure out why people are continuing to create them.

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Juggling work and study at ITMO University: CS edition

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Количество просмотров1.2K
We talked to the graduates of the Speech Information Systems MA program at ITMO about the ways our university helped jumpstart their careers. [More stories from our startups]:

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Everything you always wanted to know about human memory (but were afraid to ask)

Время на прочтение5 мин
Количество просмотров2.9K
Having a good memory is advantageous, even as people stay home amidst the pandemic. Our memories help us maintain an intellectual connection to the world, and keep us from mentally deteriorating.

Today, we’re launching a new series of articles on memory enhancement, starting with a short overview of how our memory works and the basic training you can undergo to improve it.

Getting Better at Understanding Academic Papers: a Brief Guide for Beginners (Part 1)

Время на прочтение4 мин
Количество просмотров6.5K
«Nothing makes you feel stupid quite like reading a scientific journal article» — writes the TV presenter and molecular biologist Adam Ruben. In a way, he's right — many of us get lost in the often confusing language of peer-reviewed papers. But the situation does not have to be hopeless. A bit of effort on the readers' part can go a long way. We looked at the techniques actual scientists use to navigate academic content.

And compiled them into this two-part guide (part 2).

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Getting Better at Reading Academic Papers: a Brief Guide for Beginners (Part 2)

Время на прочтение3 мин
Количество просмотров2.1K
«Nothing makes you feel stupid quite like reading a scientific journal article» — writes the TV presenter and molecular biologist Adam Ruben. In a way, he's right — many of us get lost in the often confusing language of peer-reviewed papers. But the situation does not have to be hopeless. A bit of effort on the readers' part can go a long way. We looked at the techniques actual scientists use to navigate academic content. And compiled them into this two-part guide (Part 1: Getting Better at Understanding Academic Papers).

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